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Influence of cadmium on blood and hair trace elements and biochemical markers

 The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of low doses of cadmium on the content of chemical elements in the blood and hair, blood biochemical parameters and the concentration of metallothionein-1 in the serum of laboratory animals. The study was conducted on male Wistar rats from two months of age (N = 20, weight=160-180 g). The rats of experimental group were fed with Cd chloride (0.01 mg/kg BW) for 12 weeks. The elemental composition of blood and hairwas determined by atomic emission and mass spectrometry with inductively coupled argon plasma. Blood biochemical parameters were determined spectrometrically using a Clima MC-15 A/O Unimed analyzer. The concentration of metallothionein-1 was measured using ELISA kit.The content of copper, iron, zinc and cadmium significantly (p <0.001) changed in the blood of animals of the experimental group. In hair, the content of selenium, zinc and cadmium changed significantly (p <0.001). The concentration of ALT, AST and total bilirubin increased due to the toxic effects of cadmium. The concentration of MT1 in the blood of animals of the experimental group decreased (p <0.05).


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